Sunday, March 16, 2014

USO Ten Miler at Fort Campbell

I have a goal of running the Disney Marathon next January, but I wanted to make sure I had a good record time for corral placement.  I needed one that was more recent than my Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2012.   So I signed up to run the USO Ten Miler at Fort Campbell.

I'll be honest; I wasn't properly trained for this one.  In fact, my parents volunteered to come down and drive me to/from and support me, because I think they were both afraid that I wouldn't finish.  I had a goal of completion in two hours, clocking in a 12-minute mile pace that would give me a decent position on the marathon.
The course was hilly (Dad was shocked!), but the weather was perfect.  I honestly felt pretty good until about mile 8, when a big old hill caused me to walk a bit.  I ran 95% of the time, very little walking.  It was nice having Mom & Dad out on the course cheering me on like the old days.  There were plenty of water spots, and I used my new fitness belt for water and music from my iPhone.  I also stopped and had a GU Energy Gel around mile 7 to give myself a boost.  I think that helped a little.
Mom & Dad created an extra pit stop for me along the way!
As I was on the finishing stretch, Sissy happened to call me!  She talked to me almost until the very end, where I saw Mom & Dad.  It was kind of like my whole family was there together rooting me on.  I finished under two hours (faster than I hoped!) despite not being in the best shape.  I'm definitely SUPER sore (knees and shoulders, strangely enough) and being a bit of a wimp, but I'm proud that I did it.
Running that painful 10 miles made me think really long and hard about attempting 26.2.  The physical and mental preparedness ahead is a tough pill to swallow right now.  I know I was not in any kind of good shape to do this race, but I am still not going to take registering for a full marathon lightly!  I'll keep you posted as I continue this masochistic journey.
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