Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Girl's Guide to Absolutely Everything

Yesterday took a lot out of me. I finally took the GMAT, after almost two months of studying... and I sucked. My score was only average, but the thing that really got to me is that I ran out of time on the math portion, leaving a handful of questions completely blank. I know that killed my score. I'm trying not to be discouraged, because I can take the test again in a couple of months. It's hard, because I really want to do well to get into a good business school, and math used to be my strong point. Sigh.

The good news is, I have a long weekend to RELAX. I am not going to study at all. I will doodle in my new croquis sketchbook, watch my guilty pleasure TV shows, and Facebook to my heart's content. I'm also going to keep reading The Girl's Guide to Absolutely Everything.

After the air conditioning debacle, I realized there's still a lot I don't know about running my own household and being an adult in general. NM, a mentor of mine, recommended this book, and I ordered it on Amazon right away. I was not disappointed!

I love this book, and I'll always have it on my bookshelf. While I wish it was divided up and indexed better, I really like the advice. It really does cover a TON of subjects. I really appreciated the health advice, because it got me thinking about my health insurance options after I leave my current job. I also liked the money advice/explanations, as well as the home advice. This book as a chapter called "Home Ec for Modern Times"... PERFECT! It gives you straight-forward advice and tips, all dotted with witty dialogue. It's fun to read, and I think it's a GREAT gift for the college grad, single girl, sister, daughter, WHOMEVER out there in the world. :) Check it out!
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